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Q: Where are the sentences and translations from?

A: Most of them are from Tatoeba's incredibly useful dataset, released under a CC-BY Licence. Other sentences are usually from Wiktionary (or Wikipedia) and are released under CC-BY-SA licence. These can be found by searching for "Category:[LANGUAGE] terms with [usage examples | quotations]". In both cases, slight changes may have been made to the punctuation, the length of the sentences or to correct errors.
Other copyright holders are credited individually as appropriate. You are free to share and adapt any of the sentences found within the game in accordance with the relevant licences linked above or on the page of the individual game.

Although we have taken steps to remove certain words from our databases, please be aware that due to the way in which the sentences are collected and categorised we cannot be held responsible for material within the game which is offensive or defamatory, although we may remove such material if we are informed about it.


Q: How are the sentences chosen?

A: In most cases, the English versions of the sentences are only those where at least 75% of the words are from the 300 most common English words. In Easy Mode, some additional sentences have been added to bulk out the numbers of underrepresented languages.


Q: Why do some sentences not have translations?

A: For Easy Mode only, we've added sentences which Tatoeba doesn't have English translations for to bulk out the numbers of underrepresented languages.


Q: Can I play with friends?

A: If you and someone else both type in the same seed number, you'll be given the same list of questions and can compare your scores.


Q: Why was my answer marked as wrong when it was right?

A: LangGuessr can only recognise answers which exactly match the answer recorded. Or you might just have spelled something wrong.
You're free to change your answer afterwards to get those extra points, it's not a test!


Q: Why was my answer marked as right when it was wrong?

A: LangGuessr will give you a point if the word is located anywhere in the answer you typed. For instance, if the sentence is "He gave the other moth to her mother", just typing "mother" would get you 6 points (he, the, other, moth, her, mother).


Q: Will LangGuessr be available in other languages?
A: Eventually, but for now we are focusing on developing the English-language version.


Q: Why do the games open in Neocities?

A: Wix only allows a maximum of 100 pages, so we had to outsource the game hosting to another website.




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All sentences are available under
the same copyright as their source.

Other website content ©2024 by LangGuessr.

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